Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Book recommendation: Sounds from Heaven

As I am returning to this blog I must admit that I have nothing new to add from my personal experience. Still praying, still waiting, still hungering and thirsting for God to pour out his Spirit. I have come across a very good book about the Revival on the Isle of Lewis, written by Colin and Mary Peckham. The title of the book is "Sounds from Heaven". Great reading, very challenging, though. The amount of prayer that went up to God prior to the revival seems to have been colossal. Those Scottish Presbyterians knew how to persist in prayer. I don't see this intensity yet anywhere around me here in Ireland. Another fact that I learned the past week about the revival here in Dublin in 1967: There was a blind man who was the leader of the Nazarene Church at that time. He and another guy in the congregation fasted and prayed for 40 days prior to the outbreak of the revival. There seems to be a very high price attached to this special blessing of revival - a price of persistent and sacrificial intercessory prayer. And who is able for that? How do you "go through with  God?" How do you persist in God's presence without being legalistic? Without trying to twist his arm? Without trying to impress him with your good works, with your good prayers? How do you learn to be a true intercessor? - You can only learn it by doing it. By entering into this dangerous, lonely and demanding place before the face of our holy God. Only he can teach you how to pray while you are praying. To bear the burden of unsaved souls, to feel some of the pain HE is feeling in view of so many people perishing in their sins. In Ezekiel 22 God laments the fact that he sought one person to stand in the gap between him and the people so that he would have a reason to stop his judgment - and he found none. Intercession is a lonely and very demanding calling. Who will heed the call? - My prayer is: Here am I, Lord, take me. But can I really do it? With God's help I will try - that's all I can say. Anybody want to join in?